Distance Education Also recognized as online, online or remote education, it is a modern way of learning and teaching that brings traditional and face-to-face class dynamics to the digital world. In this way, from anywhere in the world, students and teachers will connect in a virtual environment on their supercomputers through the Internet, making intensive use of the facilities provided by new digital technologies.

Benefits Of Studying Remotely:

  • Flexibility: Students access content and classes from any device, anywhere.
  • Collaborative learning: students learn both from their teachers and their peers.
  • Autonomy and responsibility: the distance learning student develops independence and responsibility as he chooses to study by adapting his time according to his professional obligations and family requirements.
  • Student-focused teaching: students are the protagonists of education within active and participatory learning.

Advantages Of Studying At A Distance At The University Of Palermo

The growing need to incorporate knowledge throughout the different professional stages, optimizing time and in a personalized teaching framework offers unique advantages and characteristics.

Studying online in distance courses at the University of Palermo is a unique and enriching experience, with its teaching and learning model, different from the rest of the existing proposals, characterized by:

Student-Centered Teaching And Participatory Methodologies

  • Students are protagonists of their education within active and participatory learning.
  • The classes remain dynamic, with a lot of interaction.
  • Using cases, simulations, and other participant-centred learning tools, students train to analyze, argue, debate, and make decisions
  • Collaborative learning. Pupils learn as much from their teachers as from their peers.

State-Of-The-Art Educational Technology

  • The University of Palermo is a leader in the region in adopting and implementing state-of-the-art educational technology, recognized at the forefront of innovation in education in Latin America.
  • We see technology as a means (and not an end in itself) to ensure educational quality and expand access to education.
  • The educational platform and the different tools used to encourage communication and interaction.
  • Students access content and classes from any device, anywhere.

Quality Materials, Specially Designed For Distance Education

  • The materials used for the classes are produced and selected jointly by the teachers of each faculty and the Department of Online Education of the University of Palermo, a group of instructional designers, digital resource librarians, content and video editors and producers. Audiovisual.
  • Videos, activities, materials, content, and bibliography develop specially designed for distance education, using the latest advances in the science of learning in the design of the courses.
  • Each subject develops by an interdisciplinary group of teachers and professionals to provide the best educational experience. The team comprises professionals from different areas and academic backgrounds dedicated to reinventing education.

Online Or Face-To-Face

  • Students have the freedom to choose how to study. They can choose to learn 100% in person, 100% online, or combine both alternatives in the proportions that best suit their time, according to their professional responsibilities and family requirements. To choose how to study.
  • Students develop autonomy and responsibility, and the university adapts to them instead of the students adapting to the university.

Teachers And Support Team

  • The professors of the online courses are the same as those who teach in the face-to-face classes of the University of Palermo, trained to take advantage of the pedagogical tools provided by technology and new ways of communicating.
  • The tutors and Help Desk team is always present, accompanying students throughout their course, resolving concerns, and supporting their studies.

Today is Thanksgiving Day. And this year think of been so difficult, especially for us teachers. I believe there is no such perfect post for this moment as the one I intend to discuss with you today. As you will see, today, I was analyzing what the biggest challenges in education have been with all this pandemic.

And Without Fear Of Being Wrong,

One of the main challenges we have had due to the pandemic. The social difference has increased between those who have internet access and those who do not.

Many teachers and schools in the consulting processes have asked me a question that I have classified as one of the most important. I explain why I have catalogued it like this. It has changed its name because we are preparing to launch several things next year.

And The Question Is Can Distance Education be Carried Out without the Internet?

Tips For Distance Education Without The Internet.

  1. We offer materials that can receive by text message or picked up at a point. Those materials can be pdf books, teacher-created materials, or even the famous modules from the education department.
  2. Send a guide for parents. You know some parents want to help their children, even when they don’t have the resources to buy an electronic, but many of them don’t have enough school to know how to teach it. It would be constructive for the teacher to make a small guide on explaining that material to the student.
  3. Allow phone calls. Some people don’t have internet but can have access to a phone, either because they have one offered by the government or because they know someone. And also Well, you can have a place where they can call you. You know, some apps create a second number, so you don’t have to give yours. One of these applications is Zoom, which became very popular for video conferencing, but can also use for calls.
  4. And also Submit materials that can be downloaded and used offline. Some don’t have internet, but they can go to a public place to download the material on the spot and submit assignments.
  5. Some of the things you can send are pdf
  6. Short videos (they should not be too long because it makes it impossible for students to download them easily).
  7. Instead of printing, look for options that can do it in a notebook. I use a strategy a lot and not so much because the students don’t have internet or a printer. It is due to allowing them to work for a computer spending time in front of it drains.